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OPP Tape Jumbo

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
10 Karton
Dilihat Sebanyak
12 kali
Harga Mulai
Rp. 60.000
Sampai dengan
Rp. 70.000

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Detail OPP Tape Jumbo

OPP Tape is needed for the process of packaging or wrapping goods both in the production process, or delivery.Lakban used for security of goods, though nice neat and orderly, so that the delivery process so much mudah.Lakban available a variety of sizes, colors, and prices.Opp tape duct tape duct tape is the most common and most widely used by the people of Indonesia and the world, there are two colors of duct tape opp, namely chocolate and duct tape duct tape opp opp clear and used for packing.
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